Connect with encryption

Standard encryption

Standard encryption

connection available

connection available

Connect without encryption

Standard encryption

Standard encryption

connection available

connection unavailable

Encryption priority

Connects only to remote parties with standard encrypted connection enabled.

Connect with encryption


When the “Encryption Protocol” is set to “Standard”, no password is necessary.

If you set “Encryption via LAN” to “On” with encryption given priority, you cannot connect to a terminal that is not equipped with the encryption feature, to a terminal with “Encryption via LAN” set to “Off”, or to a terminal without the same password as that of your system.

Standard encryption

Standard encryption

connection available

connection available








No connection

























































LAN via Videoconference Encrypted 6 Chapter

Standard encryption

Standard encryption

connection available

connection unavailable

Using proprietary encryption

1 Select “Proprietary” for “Encryption Protocol” under Page 3/3 of the Communication Mode menu.




Encryption via LAN



Encryption Protocol



Connectivity Prioritization



Encryption Password




Right-click the mouse to display a help message.




2 Enter the password (13 to 20 alphanumeric characters).

For details on settings, see “Communication Mode Menu” on page 29.

78 Preparing for an Encrypted Videoconference via LAN