Long test mode
Iftheprinteristurnedon whilethe PAPERFEEDbuttonispressed,theprinter will enterthe long self-testmode.The printerwill startprintingas soon as the PAPERFEEDbuttonis released,andwillprintthe versionnumberof the printer’sROMandthe currentsettingsof the DIPswitches,followedby the wholecharacterset printedin each font and pitch available.
The test cyclesendlessly,so you mustturn the poweroff to stop it.
Sincethe self-testoccupiesthefill widthof thecarnage,it is recommended thatthe printeris loadedwiththe widestpaperpossibleto avoiddamageto the printhead and/orplaten.In addition,thetotalnumberof linesprintedis considerable,more than can be accommodatedon a singlesheet, so fanfold paper is recommendedfor this test.
Stay in panel pitch
Byholdingthe PITCHbuttondownduringpower-up,theprintpitchcanonly be selectedfromthecontrolpanel.Thispreventssoftwareinterference.You will hear an acknowledgingbeep as power comeson.
Afterthebeeptone,youcan settheprinteroff-line,selecta printpitch,then mtum to on-lineand startprinting.The pitchyou selectedwillnot be reset or otherwisechangedby any commandsyour softwaremay issue.
Stay in panel font
By holdingthe FONTbutton duringpower-up,fonts can only be selected fromthecontrolpanel.Thispreventssoftwareinterference.Therewillbean acknowledgingbeep, after whichyou can set the printer off-line,select a font,thenreturnto theon-linestateandstartprinting.The selectedfontwill not be changedby any commandsyour softwaremay issue.
Stay in panel pitch and font
If youwantto protectboththepitchandfontsettingsfromsoftwarechanges, press both the PITCHand FONT buttonsduringpower-up.There will be a little long acknowledgingbeep.
Pressingthesebuttonsduringpower-updoesnot preventyou from making any numberof changeslater from the controlpanel.