Switch 1-3: Do you want an automaticline feed?

If you leave this switch at the ON position, a separate line-feed code is required from your computer to obtain a line feed.

If you move this switch to the OFF position,the printer performsboth a carriagereturn and line feed each time it receivesa carriage-returncode.

Mostcomputer systems send a line feed code, or both a carriage return and line feed, at the end of each line, so this switch should be left ON.

If you get doubleline spacingwhen you expectsingle spacing,or if lines overprinteach other,try changingthe settingof this switch.

Switch 1-4:AR you going to use the automatic sheet feeder (ASF)?

In order to use the automaticsheet feeder, move this switch to the OFF position.Otherwiseleave it ON.

Switch 1-5: Doyouwanttheprinterto stopprintingattheen dofthepaper, or to keep printing?

Leavethis switch ON except when you need to print to the veryendof the paper.WhenthisswitchisOFFtheprinterignoresthepaper-outdetectorand printsdown to (and beyond)the bottomedge.

Switch 1-6:Whenyou selectthe Oratorfonton the controlpanel,do you wantlower-caseletterstoprintaslowercase(OFF)eras small capitals(ON)?

Take your pick from the samplesbelow. Note that the lower-caseOrator does not have descendersfor the lettersg, j, p, q, and y.


Orator Prints this way with switch 1-3 OFF .

Switches1-7and 1-8:Whatis the pagelengthof yourpaper?

Youcan selectoneof fourpagelengtheswiththe settingsof theseswitches as shownbelow.

Page length 1-7 1-8 Page length 1-7 1-8

11 inches ON ON A4 size ON OFF

8 inches OFF ON 12 inches OFF OFF


Page 39
Image 39
Star Micronics LC-20 user manual Inches OFF on 12 inches OFF OFF