ml m3 nd m7 m9 mll
nl~ “,4 m6 | n,8 ~,]() | |
128 |
| |
64 |
| |
32 | ASCII Code: | |
16 | Descender: 7 | |
Left space: O | ||
| ||
8 | Last column: ?Z | |
| m(l = Descender x ]28 |
4 | (bft X 16) |
+ |
2 | + Last |
| |
1 |
124 66 64 76 16 0
0 4 36 2 12
FigureS3. Addthevalues of the dote in each column and write the sum of each column at the bottom
Next you must choose whetherto make the car symbolan ascenderor a descender.This determineshow the characteris seatedon the line:
Ascender: Cl:;::: Descender: ~.u~i’:
We decidedthatourcar symbolwillnotbe a “descender”,so a figure“l” is writtennextto Descenderon thegrid.If yourcharacteris a descender,write a “O”next to Descender.
Next, you must specify the left space and the last print column of the character.
Being able to specifythe width of the characterallowsyou to specifythe precise area insidethe grid that the characterwill occupy,so that narrow charactemwill look attractivenext to wide ones.
Acceptablevaluesfor the left spaceare Oto 7, andthe lastprintcolumnare from 4 to 11.
Our characterwill occupyfromcolumn 1to column 11,so the lefl spaceis Oand the characterwidthdata is 11.