DefineNLQ downloadcharacters
IMode/ | ASCII |
| Decimal |
| I Hexadecimal | |||
std. | cESC> | “&” <O> nl |
| 27 | 36 | 0 nl |
| IB | 26 | LII nl |
d | rno ml | m2 | d | d | ml | d | d | mo | ml d | |
| d | . . . m46 |
| nd | ... | m46 |
| ti | ... m46 |
.Definesoneor morenewNLQ charactemand storesthemin RAM for later use. DIP switch
Definedraft downloadcharacters
Mode ASCIIDecimalHexadecimal
<ESC> | “=” nl | n2 | <DC4> | 27 61 nl | n2 | 20 | IB 3D nl | n2 | 14 |
IBM | aO al | a2 | ml | aO al | a2 | ml | aO al | d | ml |
| d | . . . mll | d | . . . mll | d | . . . mll |
Definesone or morenew draftcharactersand storesthemin RAM for later use. Draft modemust be selectedbeforethis commandis and n2 givethe numberof databytesthat willfollow. dOis the charactercodeof the and a2 are to mll are the characterdata,and are the same as in <ESC> “&”. The attributebyte al indicates whether the characteris an ascender(not using the lowest of the nine vertical dots)or a descender(not usingthe highestdot) and whetherit has a downwardextensionto 12dots.
The attributebytea2
Charactersdefinedby thiscommandcan be selectedby
4or <ESC>“I” 5. This commandis ignoredwhenDIP switch