File as seen on computerscreen:

((F))7 ((S))3

Printer commands

(( F))CI (( S))0

Font commands (( F))lcan be (( F))7embeddecl

((Fl)8anywhere ((F) )9in a document.



When youuse these commandsthere are severalpointsto note:

The font ((F)) commandis ignored if the FONTbutton was held down when power was switchedon.

A line consistingof commandsaloneprints as a blankline.

The softwarewillnot knowthatthesearecommands,so youcannottrust yoursoftwareto giveyou the correctline width.The printedline maybe considerablyshorterthan thelineon the screen;the extraspacebeingthe spacethat was occupiedby the commands.

Onewayto handlethelastproblemis to prepareyourdocumentwithoutthe commands,then insertthem as a final step, withthe marginsreleased.The find,replace,andcopyfunctionsof word-processingsoftwarecanbehelpful here.

If youdo notusethesecommandsorthepanelcontrols,theprinterwillprint standard-size,draft characters.

The printer supportsvarious commandsin additionto the above, such as quadruple-sizeprinting.Mostoftheseothercommandsconsistof theescape code followedby one or more lettersor numbers.

If yoursoftwareenablesyouto placethe escapecodein yourfiles,or if you areableto definethisasauseroptionduringinstallation,youcanalsoembed these escape sequences.

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Star Micronics LC-20 user manual Printer Commands