Selectmasterprint mode
Mode | ASCII | Decimal | Hexadecimal |
std. | <ESC> “!” n | 27 33 n | IB 21 n |
Selects a combinedprint mode accordingto the value of n. The valueof n is the sumof thevaluesgivenbelowfor the desiredchar- acteristics.
Examples:n = 1 giveselite;n = 9 (1 +8) givesemphasizedelite;n = 137(1 + 8 + 128)givesunderlinedemphasizedelite.
Function | n value |
Underline | 128 |
Italic | 64 |
Expanded | 32 |
Doublestrike | 16 |
Emphasized | 8 |
Condensed[*] | 4 |
Proportional[*] | 2 |
Elite [*] | 1 |
[*I Ignoredif the PITCHbutton was
Mode | ASCII | Decimal | Hexadecimal |
std. | <ESC> <SP> n | 27 32 n | IB 2U n |
Increasesthe spacebetweencharactersby rz/240inches,wheren is a numberfrom Oto 127.Used in microjustification.
Select doubleor quadruplesize
Mode | ASCII | Decimal | Hexadecimal |
std. | <ESC> “h” n | 27 104 n | IB 6$ n |
Selectsthe size of subsequentcharactersas shown below. Extra- high charactersalignalongthe