6.Withthe sprocketcoversopen,mountthe paperby aligningholes with the pins on the sprockets.
7.Adjustthe spacingof the sprocketsby slidingthemalongthe bar, using the clampleverat the backof each sprocketto releaseandlock themin position.Whenthe lever is down,the sprocketis released,and when it is up, the sprocketis locked.
Figuru 7-11. Mount the fanfold psper over the sprockets.
8.Now closethe sprocketcovers,againmakingsure that the paperholes are aligned with the pins on the sprockets. If they are not aligned properly,youwillhaveproblemswithpaperfeeding,possiblyresulting in tearingandjammingof the paper.
9.Turnon thepowerusingtheswitchlocatedatthefrontoftheprinter.The printerwill‘beep,indicatingthat ttiepaperis not yet fully loaded.This
is also confirmedby the orange POWERindicatorflashing. 10.Movethe bail leverforward.Whenthe bailopens,the printerfeedsthe
paper automatically.
11.Move the bail lever back. The paper will feed slightlyforward again, endingin positionto print with a top marginof aboutone inch.
12.Replacethe rear cover. Hold it tiltedupward and insertthe four tabs at the bottominto their slots.Then rotatethe coverupwards,pressingthe thumbpads on the left and rightto snap it into place.