Thisprinteris aconvenient,monochromeprinterwithoutfiillsbutwitha full complementof features, making it an excellent partner for a personal computer.It supportsthe IBM/Epsonprintercommandsandcharactersets, enablingit to printjust aboutanythingyourcomputercangenerate,bothtext and graphics.Some of its main featuresare the following:
. ExtensivesoftwareSupport
Since it is compatiblewith the Epson and IBM printers,it works with any softwarethat supportsthose printem.That includesmost
. Easy”operation
Clearlyunderstandableindicatordisplaysand beep tonesprovideimmedi- ate feedback when you press the buttons on the control panel. The four buttonscan operatein combinationsto performa surprisingvarietyof func- tions,
. Easy care and maintenance
The ribbon cartridgecan be replaced in seconds the print head in a few minutes.
. Versatilepaperhandling
●Large varietyof fonts and sizes
The printerhas one draft font and four NLQ fonts (Courier,Sanserif,and Orator with small capitals or lower case), italics for all styles, plus con- densedprint, bold print,