If your system includesthe file PRINT.COMyou can use the main DOS printingcommand.Simplytypethe wordPRINT followedby the name of the file you want to print. To print a fde named README.DOC,for example,type:


The computer may respond with the following message, asking which printerto use:

Name of 1ist device [PRN] :

If yourcomputeris connectedto onlyoneprinter,pressRETURNto select the default choice (HUN).Printing will begin and the A> prompt will reappear.You can executeother commandsor programswhile the fde is being printed.

AsinglePRINTcommandcan print two or more files. List the file names consecutivelyon the sameline,or use wild-cardcharactem(* and ?). Each file will be printedstartingon a new page.The PRINT commandalso has controloptions.For example,you can terminatea printingjob in progress with then option.(Theprintermay not stopprintingimmediatelyas there may be considerabledatastoredaheadin its buffer.)For then option,type:

A )F’RINT/’”lY

See your,DOSmanualfor furtherinformationaboutthe PRINTcommand. If your systemdoes not includePRINT.COM,you can print filesby using the PRN devicenamein COPYor TYPEcommandssuchas the following:

COPYandTYPE do not permityou to executeothercommandswhilethe file is printing.

If youwanta particularfont,orprintpitch,youcanmakethesesettingsfrom the controlpanel before you start printing.See Chapter2.


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Star Micronics LC-20 user manual Programming the Printer with DOS Commands