2.Make sure that the releaselever is down.

If fanfoldpaperis alreadymountedin theprinter,pressthe PAPER FEED buttonwhileholdingthe FONTbuttonto park the paperin the off-line state,then movethe releaseleverdownwards.

3.Adjustthe paper guidesto match the size of paper you will be using. Rememberthatprintingwillstartsomedistancefromtheleft-handedge of the carriage.

4.Turnonthepowerusingtheswitchlocatedatthefrontof theprinter.The pnnterwill beep,indicatingthatthereisnopaperinpositionforpnnting. The orange POWERindicatorwill also flash to confirmthis.

5.Place a singlesheetbetweenthe guides,placingthe side on whichyou wantto printtowardsthebackoftheprinter.Gentlypushthepaperdown in the guidesuntil you feel it stop.


Figure 7-9.Loading a single sheet

6.Movethe bail leverforward.Whenthe bailopens,the printerfeedsthe paper automatically.

7.Move the bail lever back. The paper will feed slightlyforward again, endingin positionto print with a top marginof aboutone inch.


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Image 17
Star Micronics LC-20 user manual Loading a single sheet