2.Make sure that the releaselever is down.
If fanfoldpaperis alreadymountedin theprinter,pressthe PAPER FEED buttonwhileholdingthe FONTbuttonto park the paperin the
3.Adjustthe paper guidesto match the size of paper you will be using.
4.Turnonthepowerusingtheswitchlocatedatthefrontof theprinter.The pnnterwill beep,indicatingthatthereisnopaperinpositionforpnnting. The orange POWERindicatorwill also flash to confirmthis.
5.Place a singlesheetbetweenthe guides,placingthe side on whichyou wantto printtowardsthebackoftheprinter.Gentlypushthepaperdown in the guidesuntil you feel it stop.
Figure 7-9. Loading a single sheet
6.Movethe bail leverforward.Whenthe bailopens,the printerfeedsthe paper automatically.
7.Move the bail lever back. The paper will feed slightlyforward again, endingin positionto print with a top marginof aboutone inch.