In the program that follows, we’ve used this technique to create some large numbers. Each digit is actually made up of four
Figure | _ |
10 'Program to define and print numerals
20'Each numeral is made up of 4 characters (2 wide
x2 high)
30 OPEN "LPTl:" AS #l : WIDTH #l, 255
40 DOWN.CHAR.PROP$ = CHR$(27)+"pl"+CHR$(27)+"$1"
50 NOT.DOWN.CHAR.PROP$ = CHR$(27)+"p@"+CHR$(27)+"$4)" 60 LINE.7$ = CHR$(27)+"1" : LINE.12$ = CHR$(27)+"2"
70 PRINT #l, CHR$(27) "&l" CHR$(160) CHR$(200); 80 FOR I = 160 TO 200
100 READ M@
110 PRINT #l, CHR$(MQ));
124)FOR S = 1 TO 11