TheMessage Library handles all of the lower-layer protocol. The Message Library’sbehavior is
customizedusing the Adapter conguration properties. These Adapter properties are used by
theresource adapter, but are also accessed and used by the prebuilt Collaborations.
About HL7HL7is a standard for exchanging information between medical applications and is an
abbreviationof Health Level Seven. Level Seven refers to the seventh OSI layer protocol for the
healthenvironment. HL7 denes the format and the content of the messages that applications
mustuse when exchanging data with each other under various circumstances.
Hospitalsand other medical institutions typically use many dierent types of systems to
communicatewith one another. Everything, from patient records to billing information, is
trackedand recorded in computer systems. In order for these dierent types of systems to
communicatewith each other, they use a standard like HL7.
Note– In the computer world, a protocol is a formal, well-dened standard for exchanging
informationbetween computer applications.
Animportant part of the HL7 standard is the ACKnowledgment protocol, also known as an
ACK.Every time an application accepts a message and consumes the data, it is expected to send
anACKnowledgment message back to the sending application. The sending application is
expectedto keep on sending a message until it has received an ACK message.
TheTCP/IP HL7 Adapter ArchitectureTheTCP/IP HL7 Adapter's functionality comes from a combination of the TCP/IP HL7
ResourceAdapter (RA), the predened inbound and outbound HL7 Collaborations, and the
genericHL7 Message Libraries.
TCP/IPHL7 Resource Adapter
TheTCP/IP HL7 Resource Adapter communicates with external HL7 systems, establishes and
maintainsthe TCP/IP socket, manages message enveloping, maintains the sequence numbering
le,and provides the HL7 protocol state to the Collaboration. The RA (Resource Adapter) is
conguredfrom the Adapter Properties Editor.
Theinbound and outbound HL7 Collaborations provide message validation, sequence
numbering,ACK and NAK generation, and recourse actions. The predened HL7
Collaborationsare designed to implement the HL7 standard protocol and inter-operate with
similarstandard compliant systems by simply changing the Adapter property conguration.
SunAdapterfor TCP/IP HL7 Overview
SunAdapterfor TCP/IP HL7 User's Guide • Oc tober 200910