TheMessage Library handles all of the lower-layer protocol. The Message Library’sbehavior is
customizedusing the Adapter conguration properties. These Adapter properties are used by
theresource adapter, but are also accessed and used by the prebuilt Collaborations.
About HL7
HL7is a standard for exchanging information between medical applications and is an
abbreviationof Health Level Seven. Level Seven refers to the seventh OSI layer protocol for the
healthenvironment. HL7 denes the format and the content of the messages that applications
mustuse when exchanging data with each other under various circumstances.
Hospitalsand other medical institutions typically use many dierent types of systems to
communicatewith one another. Everything, from patient records to billing information, is
trackedand recorded in computer systems. In order for these dierent types of systems to
communicatewith each other, they use a standard like HL7.
Note– In the computer world, a protocol is a formal, well-dened standard for exchanging
informationbetween computer applications.
Animportant part of the HL7 standard is the ACKnowledgment protocol, also known as an
ACK.Every time an application accepts a message and consumes the data, it is expected to send
anACKnowledgment message back to the sending application. The sending application is
expectedto keep on sending a message until it has received an ACK message.
TheTCP/IP HL7 Adapter Architecture
TheTCP/IP HL7 Adapter's functionality comes from a combination of the TCP/IP HL7
ResourceAdapter (RA), the predened inbound and outbound HL7 Collaborations, and the
genericHL7 Message Libraries.

TCP/IPHL7 Resource Adapter

TheTCP/IP HL7 Resource Adapter communicates with external HL7 systems, establishes and
maintainsthe TCP/IP socket, manages message enveloping, maintains the sequence numbering
le,and provides the HL7 protocol state to the Collaboration. The RA (Resource Adapter) is
conguredfrom the Adapter Properties Editor.


Theinbound and outbound HL7 Collaborations provide message validation, sequence
numbering,ACK and NAK generation, and recourse actions. The predened HL7
Collaborationsare designed to implement the HL7 standard protocol and inter-operate with
similarstandard compliant systems by simply changing the Adapter property conguration.
SunAdapterfor TCP/IP HL7 Overview
SunAdapterfor TCP/IP HL7 User's Guide • Oc tober 200910