d. ClickOK.
Thedatabase appears in the list of databases on the Services window.
Makesure your database instance is running.
ForOracle, DB2, SQL Server,and Sybase databases, do the following:
a. Copythe database driver le to JavaCAPS_Home/appserver/lib.
b. UnderDatabases on the NetBeans Services window, right-click Drivers and then select New
TheNew JDBC Driver dialog box appears.
c. Click Add, and then browsto and select the database driver le.
d. Selector look for the driver class to use.
e. Acceptthe default name or enter a name for the driver.
f. Click OK.
g. Inthe Drivers list on the Services window, right-click the driver you just added and click
TheNew Database Connection dialog box appears.
h. Enterthe connection information for the database instance you createdfor MLLP and then
Thenew database connection appears in the Databases list.
Onthe NetBeans Services window, right-click the MLLP database, and click Connect.
NetBeansconnects to the database and the icon changes for that database. The following gure
illustratesa Java DB connection.
MLLPV2and the Sample Projects
SunAdapterfor TCP/IP HL7 User's Guide 141