TABLE9 ConnectivityMap - HL7 Acknowledgment (Continued)
Name Description
eGateSends App Acks Anindicator of whether the HL7 application acknowledgment sent to the
externalsystem is generated by the adapter or forwarded from the application
server.Select one of the following options:
■true– Indicates that the application server receives or creates the HL7
applicationacknowledgment and sends it to the adapter, which in turn
forwardsit to the external system.
■false– Indicates that the adapter creates and sends the HL7 application
acknowledgmentdirectly to the external system.
Thisproperty is used in the inbound Collaboration code.
ForwardExternal Acks Anindicator of whether the HL7 application acknowledgment is forwarded to the
applicationserver. When an HL7 application acknowledgment is received, it is
sometimesnecessary to forward the contents of the HL7 application
acknowledgmentto the application server (as data). This property is used for
inboundCollaboration code.
Selecttrue if the adapter forwards HL7 application acknowledgments from the
externalsystem to the application server for processing; otherwise select false.
TimeoutFor Delayed Ack Anumber indicating the timeout value for delayed ACK in milliseconds. This
propertyis used in the inbound Collaboration code.
LowerLayer Protocol — TCP/IP HL7V2 InboundAdapter
Thefollowing table lists and describes the properties that appear on the Lower Layer Protocol
pageof the Properties Editor accessed from the Connectivity Map. These properties dene the
LowerLayer Protocol (LLP) conguration.
TABLE10 ConnectivityMap - Lower Layer Protocol
Name Description
LLPType Thelower layer protocol (LLP) type. Select one of the following options:
■MLLP(Minimal Lower Layer Protocol)
■HLLP(Hybrid Lower Layer Protocol)
■MLLPv2.0 (Minimal Lower Layer Protocol v2.0)
Formore information on the available envelope types, see “Lower Layer
Protocol”on page 23.
StartBlock Character The rst envelope marker character in the HL7 envelope, as a decimal ASCII
number.Enter a number from 1 to 127. Unless there is a conict, the value should
beASCII VT (decimal 11).
TCP/IPHL7V2 Adapter Inbound Connectivity Map Properties
SunAdapterfor TCP/IP HL7 User's Guide • Oc tober 200940