Note– For Delayed ACK, the Receiver and Forwarder must be on the same integration
Theonly verication that the outbound Adapter does is to ensure that the message parses into
thegeneric Event Message Library, and that the MSH uses the correct elds. The acknowledge is
veriedto ensure that the sent message is valid.
AdapterGenerates HL7 Acknowledgment
Inthis scenario, the Adapter generates an HL7 ACK after receiving and successfully storing
themessage in a queue; otherwise, it generates an HL7 NAK. The HL7 ACK or NAK is
placedin the proper envelope and sent to the external system.
ESBSends HL7 Acknowledgement
Inthis scenario, the Adapter acts as a sender in a Delayed ACK scenario, as described in
“DelayedACK Mode” on page 13.
CannedHL7 NAK
ACanned HL7 NAK is created when a read error occurs, or when an message cannot be
identiedas an HL7 message. The initial test ensures that the message conforms to the
lower-layerprotocol. The Resource Adapter uses the MSH section parameters to create an
Recourseactions can be congured for the outbound Adapter for the following conditions:
TheAdapter sends the maximum number of canned negative acknowledgments.
TheAdapter attempts to read data the maximum number of times from the external system
aftera read or receive operation returns nothing.
TheAdapter receives the maximum number of negative acknowledgments.
HL7message validation fails prior to the sending of the HL7 message to the external system.
TheAdapter reaches the maximum number of response timeouts while waiting for data
fromthe external system.
TheAdapter receives an HL7 Application NAK from the external system.
TheAdapter waits for a response from the external system for the congured amount of
time(in milliseconds).
Formore information on the available recourse actions, see “Recourse Actions” on page 21.
SunAdapterfor TCP/IP HL7 Overview
SunAdapterfor TCP/IP HL7 User's Guide 19