TABLE24 ConnectivityMap - HL7 SFT Segment (Continued)
Name Description
Versionor Release
Thelatest software version number or release number for the sending system,
whichhelps provide a more complete prole of the application that is sending or
receivingHL7 messages.
Versionnumbers are important in identifying the specic release of an
application.In some situations, the receiving application validates the software
certiedversion or release number against a list of certied versions or releases of
theparticular software. This helps determine whether the sending application
adheresto specic business rules required by the receiving application.
Alternatively,the software may perform dierent processing, depending on the
versionof the sending software.
Thisis the second eld in the HL7 SFT segment (SFT-02).
SoftwareProduct Name Thename of the software product that submitted the transaction. The default
value is Sun TCP/IP HL7 adapter Intelligent Adapter.
Thisis the third eld in the HL7 SFT segment (SFT-03).
SoftwareBinary ID Theunique software binary ID. Software binary IDs are issued by a vendor for
eachunique software version instance. These IDs are used to dierentiate
betweenmultiple versions of the same software. Identical primary IDs indicate
thatthe software is identical at the binary level, but conguration settings may
Thisis the fourth eld in the HL7 SFT segment (SFT-04).
Anyadditional information about the sending application for more complete
identication.This could include a description of the software application,
congurationsettings, modications made to the software, and so on. This
informationis used for diagnostic purposes and provides greater exibility in
identifyingthe application software.
Thisis the fth eld in the HL7 SFT segment (SFT-05).
SoftwareInstall Date Thedate on which the submitting software was installed at the sending site. The
softwareinstallation date on its own can often provide key information about the
behaviorof the application.
Thisis the sixth eld in the HL7 SFT segment (SFT-06).
CommunicationControl — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Outbound

Thefollowing table lists and describes the properties that appear on the Communication

Controlpage of the Properties Editor accessed from the Connectivity Map. These properties
denehow data is transferred (that is, sent and received) over the TCP/IP connection.
TCP/IPHL7V2 Adapter Outbound Connectivity Map Properties
SunAdapterfor TCP/IP HL7 User's Guide • Oc tober 200960