Noresponse is received after a message is sent the maximum number of times.
Outbound Functionality
Theoutbound TCP/IP HL7 Adapter Project, prjHL7Outbound, can be implemented in
standardoutbound mode or in two forward message modes: outbound delayed ACK or

OutboundAdapter Data Flow

Inoutbound mode, the Adapter receives HL7 messages from a JMS queue. Each message is
veriedto ensure it contains HL7 data only. Legitimate HL7 data is enveloped into its
conguredformat and sent to the external system.
Amessage in the JMS queue triggers the outbound Collaboration. The outbound Collaboration
isprovided with an HL7 message to send to the external system
TheAdapter waits for a congurable number of milliseconds for an incoming HL7 ACK or
NAKfrom the external system. After receiving an HL7 response from the external system, the
Adapterstrips the message from its envelope and veries its integrity.
Anynon-HL7 acknowledgment received from the external system causes the Adapter to resend
thesame message. If the incoming response is an HL7 ACK or NAK, the Adapter might do
eitherof the following, as dictated by its conguration:
Recourseaction on NAK received.
Recourseaction on Max NAK received.
Ifjournaling is set, these messages and their ACKs are placed in the journal le.

OutboundStandard Messaging Mode

Thefollowing steps describe the process for the Outbound Standard Message Mode:
1. AnHL7 message triggers the Collaboration. The outbound Collaboration is designed to
acceptthe HL7 messages.
2. TheCollaboration maps the received message into the Generic Event Message Library and
validatesthe MSH segment. If validation is enabled, the Collaboration checks the MSH
segmentof the outbound messages against MSH values congured in the Adapter
propertiesle. If the validation fails or the message cannot be parsed, the message and its
errorare written to the error queue. Note that the HL7 message is always checked for
3. TheCollaboration sends the message to the RA.
4. TheRA envelopes the message and sends it to the External System and waits for an ACK.
SunAdapterfor TCP/IP HL7 Overview
SunAdapterfor TCP/IP HL7 User's Guide 17