HL7V3 Standard Outbound Message Mode Data Flow (For Immediate
andDeferred Mode of ACK Process) — Part 2InprocessMessage(), the message moves on to insertSequenceNumber(). If sequence
numberingis enabled and is in Deferred Mode, the insertSequenceNumber method inserts the
sequencenumber and call sendHL7Message(). The sendHL7Message method sends the HL7 V3
messageto the external using the HL7 V3 adapter Message Library
TheCollaboration receives the HL7 V3 ACK or NAK from the external using
receiveHL7AckNak().If an exception occurs due to incomplete data, and the adapter fails to
readthe data within the congured number of retries, the associated recourse action is taken. If
theexception is due to no response, the associated recourse action is taken. If no exception
occurs,the ACK or NAK message moves on to isAckMessage(), which validates the message to
determinewhether the message is an ACK or a NAK.
Next,the validateAckNak method unmarshals the message to the ACK Message Library in
MCCI_IN000004UV01Message Library for Immediate Mode and MCCI_IN000006UV01
MessageLibrary for Deferred Mode.
AboutTCP/IPHL7 V3 Collaborations
SunAdapterfor TCP/IP HL7 User's Guide • Oc tober 2009136