TABLE26 ConnectivityMap - HL7 Recourse Action (Continued)
Name Description
Actionon Nak Received Theaction the adapter takes when it receives an HL7 Application NAKfrom the
externalsystem. Select one of the following options:
■Resend– The adapter attempts to resend the message to the external system.
■Reset– The adapter closes its connection with the external system and goes
throughthe connection scenario.
■SkipMessage – The adapter remains connected, but writes the message to an
Note– Do not set both the Action On NAK Received and Action On Max NAK
Receivedproperties to Skip Message.
Thisproperty is used for outbound Collaboration code.
Actionon Max Nak
Theaction the adapter takes when the maximum number of HL7 Application
NAKshave been received from the external system, as set by the Max NAK
ReceiveRetry property (see Communication Control). Select one of the
■Exit– The adapter terminates its connection with the external system and
■Reset– The adapter closes its connection with the external system and goes
throughthe connection scenario.
■SkipMessage – The adapter remains connected, but writes the message to an
Thisproperty is used for outbound Collaboration code.
Note– Do not set both the Action On NAK Received and Action On Max NAK
Receivedproperties to Skip Message.
Actionon Max NakSent Theaction the adapter takes when it has sent the maximum allowed number of
NAKsto the external system, as set by the Max NAK Send Retry parameter (see
CommunicationControl). Select one of the following options:
■Exit– The adapter terminates its connection with the external system and
■Reset– The adapter closes its connection with the external system and goes
throughthe connection scenario.
Thisproperty is used for inbound Collaboration code.
TCP/IPHL7V2 Adapter Outbound Connectivity Map Properties
SunAdapterfor TCP/IP HL7 User's Guide 63