TABLE23 ConnectivityMap - HL7 MSH Segment (Continued)
Name Description
ReceivingFacility Auser-dened value that further identies the receiving application among
multipleidentical instances of the application running on behalf of dierent
organizations.The default value is Sun HL7 adapter.
Thisis the sixth eld in the HL7 MSH segment (MSH-06).
Security Theimplemented application level security features.
Thisis the eighth eld in the HL7 MSH segment (MSH-08).
ProcessingID Thesub-component processing ID of the MSH-11 eld. MSH-11 is used to
indicatewhether a message is processed as dened in the HL7 Application
Specifyone of the following options:
■D-The message is part of a debugging system.
■P-The message is part of a production system.
■T-The message is part of a training system.
Insome cases there may be an additional value, the processing mode,
followingthe initial value. This value can be A (archive), R (restore from
archive),or I (initial load).
VersionID TheHL7 version as displayed in HL7 Table 0104 - Version ID. This value is
matchedby the receiving system to its own version to ensure that messages are
interpretedcorrectly. The default value is 2.5.
Thisis the 12th eld in the HL7 MSH segment (MSH-12).
CountryCode Acodethat indicates the country of origin for the message (see HL7 Table 0399).
Usethe 3-character (alphabetic) form of ISO 3166. This value is used to specify
defaultelements in a message, such as currency. The default value is USA.
Thisis the 17th eld in the HL7 MSH segment (MSH-17).
CharacterSet The character set(s) used by the messages (see HL7 Table 0211). If the eld is left
blank,the character set is assumed to be the 7-bit ASCII set. The default value is
8859/1(printable 7-bit ASCII character set).
Thisis the 18th eld in the HL7 MSH segment (MSH-18).
PrincipalLanguage of
The2-character ISO 639 alphabetic code that species the principal language of
Thisis the 19th eld in the HL7 MSH segment (MSH-19).
AlternateCharacter Set
Thevalue for the alternate character set handling scheme to be used when any
alternativecharacter sets are used and a special handling scheme is necessary (see
HL7Table 0356). Possible values are ISO 2022-1994,2.3,or<null>(blank).
Leavingthe eld blank indicates that no character set switching will occur.
Thisis the 20th eld in the HL7 MSH segment (MSH-20).
TCP/IPHL7V2 Adapter Outbound Connectivity Map Properties
SunAdapterfor TCP/IP HL7 User's Guide • Oc tober 200958