Note– Throughout this document the term “JMS queue” is used in the generic sense and
actuallydenotes JMS queues or topics.
TCP/IPHL7 FeaturesTheTCP/IP HL7 Adapter includes the following features:
■Bidirectionalprocessing, including client or server mode in either direction (to or from Sun
■Handlesboth HL7 HLLP and MLLP protocols and envelopes.
■Providesa wide variety of recourse action congurations.
■Recoveryand retry logic.
■Debuglevels and error logging.
■Journalingof HL7 messages and associated acknowledgements.
■HL7acknowledgement levels.
■Fullysupports the HL7 sequence numbering protocol.
■Fullsupport for HL7 ACK and NAK generation and validation.
■Supportsdelayed ACK in both directions.
TCP/IPHL7 Adapter ComponentsTheTCP/IP HL7 Adapter incorporates three components:
■TheHL7 TCP/IP Resource Adapter that implements the lower layer HL7 protocol over
■Defaultinbound and outbound Collaborations that implement the HL7 messaging
protocol,sequence numbering, and recourse actions.
■GenericHL7 Message Libraries that provide the structures necessary to parse and create the
datamessages and ACKs used by the protocol.
TheTCP/IP HL7 Message Library, also known as an Object Type Denition (OTD) Library,
enablesthe creation of HL7 interfaces capable of running over TCP/IP,and also utilizes the
commonAdapter services available in Java CAPS. The TCP/IP HL7 Adapter works hand in
handwith the Sun Java CAPS HL7 Message Libraries, versions 2.1 through 2.5.1.
TheTCP/IP HL7 Adapter properties allow the user to easily congure the operation of the
TCP/IPHL7 Adapter. The Adapter includes a set of properties that are congured in the
ConnectivityMap and only apply to that Adapter in the Project. It also includes a set of
propertiesthat are congured in the Environment and apply to all TCP/IP HL7 Adapters in the
Project.These properties are adopted into the Message Library’sfunctions.
SunAdapterfor TCP/IP HL7 Overview
SunAdapterfor TCP/IP HL7 User's Guide 9