Thefollowing topics provide information about the sample V2 Collaborations and provide
instructionsfor copying and customizing them:
■“TCP/IPHL7 V2 Adapter Projects Overview” on page 108
■“TCP/IPHL7 V2 Adapter Collaborations” on page 108
■“InboundHL7 V2 Collaboration Overview” on page 109
■“OutboundHL7 V2 Collaboration Overview” on page 114
TCP/IPHL7 V2 Adapter Projects OverviewSeveralsample Projects are provided with the TCP/IP HL7 Adapter to illustrate dierent
scenariosfor connecting with external HL7 systems. You can download the sample Projects
fromthe Downloads page of the Java CAPS Suite Installer.
Whilethis section focuses on the standard inbound and outbound HL7 scenarios, you can
choosefrom any of the following HL7 V2 samples:
■HL7Adapter Inbound Collaboration Projects
■HL7Adapter Outbound Collaboration Projects
■HL7Adapter Inbound Collaboration Projects With XML Support Over MLLPV2
■HL7Adapter Outbound Collaboration Projects With XML Support Over MLLPV2
■HL7Adapter Inbound Collaboration Projects With XML Support Over MLLPV1
■HL7Adapter Outbound Collaboration Projects With XML Support Over MLLPV1
TCP/IPHL7 V2 Adapter CollaborationsThissection describes the inbound Collaboration (jcdHL7Inbound) and the outbound
Collaboration(jcdHL7Outbound), provided within the standard sample Projects for inbound
andoutbound HL7 V2 messaging. These Collaborations are designed to work as is for HL7 V2
compliantinterfaces, and can be congured for your specic needs using only the property
congurationles. If an interface requires special functionality, the Collaboration's Java code is
easilyaccessible for modication, much of which can be created graphically using the
CollaborationEditor's Business Rules Designer.
TheCollaborations contain a number of Message Libraries that extend functionality for HL7
V2message handling, logging, error messaging, journaling, and sequence numbering. These
includeboth generic HL7 Message Libraries for HL7 ACK/NAK generation or verication, and
theResource Adapter that communicates to the external system and oers services to the
applicationserver. The Collaborations control messaging protocol and all business logic.
TheCollaborations are designed to target one unit of work at a time, meaning the resolution of
onemessage at a time. The basic structure of both Collaborations is a state machine
implementedin a Java switch statement. The state machine keeps track of the messaging
protocolso when a Collaboration is invoked, it can retrieve the state of the connection just
handedto it by the RA, and then execute the proper actions based on the state machine.
AboutTCP/IPHL7 V2 Collaborations
SunAdapterfor TCP/IP HL7 User's Guide • Oc tober 2009108