TABLE12 ConnectivityMap - HL7 MSH Segment (Continued)
Name Description
ProcessingID Thesubcomponent processing ID of the MSH-11 eld. MSH-11 is used to
indicatewhether a message is processed as dened in the HL7 Application
Specifyone of the following options:
D-The message is part of a debugging system.
P-The message is part of a production system.
T-The message is part of a training system.
Insome cases there may be an additional value, the processing mode,
followingthe initial value. This value can be A (archive), R (restore from
archive),or I (initial load).
VersionID TheHL7 version as displayed in HL7 Table 0104 - Version ID. This value is
matchedby the receiving system to its own version to ensure that messages are
interpretedcorrectly. The default value is 2.5.
Thisis the 12th eld in the HL7 MSH segment (MSH-12).
CountryCode Acodethat indicates the country of origin for the message (see HL7 Table 0399).
Usethe 3-character (alphabetic) form of ISO 3166. This value is used to specify
defaultelements in a message, such as currency. The default value is USA.
Thisis the 17th eld in the HL7 MSH segment (MSH-17).
CharacterSet The character set(s) used by the messages (see HL7 Table 0211). If the eld is left
blank,the character set is assumed to be the 7-bit ASCII set. The default value is
8859/1(printable 7-bit ASCII character set).
Thisis the 18th eld in the HL7 MSH segment (MSH-18).
PrincipalLanguage of
The2-character ISO 639 alphabetic code that species the principal language of
Thisis the 19th eld in the HL7 MSH segment (MSH-19).
AlternateCharacter Set
Thevalue for the alternate character set handling scheme to be used when any
alternativecharacter sets are used and a special handling scheme is necessary (see
HL7Table 0356). Possible values are ISO 2022-1994,2.3,or<null>(blank).
Leavingthe eld blank indicates that no character set switching will occur.
Thisis the 20th eld in the HL7 MSH segment (MSH-20).
Aunique identier that applies to a query’sconformance statement. It can also be
usedas a Message Prole Identier to assert constancy with a message prole
(grammar,syntax, usage, and so on).
Thisis the 21st eld in the HL7 MSH segment (MSH-21).
TCP/IPHL7V2 Adapter Inbound Connectivity Map Properties
SunAdapterfor TCP/IP HL7 User's Guide 43