Thefollowing topics provide a brief overview of HL7 V3, and describe the HL7 V3
Collaborationsand provide instructions on copying and customizing the Collaborations:
■“AboutHL7 V3” on page 120
■“TCP/IPHL7 V3 Adapter Projects Overview” on page 121
■“TCP/IPHL7 V3 Adapter Collaborations” on page 121
■“InboundHL7 V3 Immediate Collaboration Overview” on page 122
■“InboundHL7 V3 Deferred Collaboration Overview” on page 127
■“OutboundHL7 V3 Collaboration Overview” on page 133
Formore information about HL7 V3, refer to the HL7 V3 Guide.
About HL7 V3
HL7V3, like V2.x, is a standard for exchanging messages among healthcare information
systems.However, HL7 V3 is not compatible with V2. V3 denes a more fully-specied data
modelwith less exibility for customization. This presents a tighter standard that is easier to
use,and provides a higher level of formal modeling, complexity, and internal consistency.
HL7V3 is based on information models, which dene the specications of sets of data that are
specicto one area of interest. There are dierent types of information models, including:
■ReferenceInformation Model (RIM) – Denes the information content for a domain.
■DomainInformation Model (D-MIM) – Denes a set of class clones, attributes, and
relationships,and is a subset of the RIM. Domains include the following:
Domainsunder Administrative Management:
■Accountingand Billing
■Claims& Reimbursements
Domainsunder Health and Clinical Management:
■ClinicalDocument Architecture
■PublicHealth Reporting
■RenedMessage Information Model (R-MIM) – Denes message-specic content, and is
asubset of the D-MIM).
AboutTCP/IPHL7 V3 Collaborations
SunAdapterfor TCP/IP HL7 User's Guide • Oc tober 2009120