TABLE14 ConnectivityMap - Communication Control
Name Description
TimeTo Wait For A
Theamount of time (in milliseconds) that the adapter waits for a response from
theexternal system before taking recourse action (see Action on No Response in
HL7Recourse Action). Any data from the external system is considered a
Thisproperty corresponds to the initial read/receive operation timeout. Once a
responseis received, the subsequent read/receive operation uses the value
speciedfor SoTimeout ( see TCPIP Inbound Settings). A value of 0(zero)
indicatesan innite timeout.
MaxEmpty Read Retry Themaximum number of times the adapter attempts to read data from the
externalsystem after the read/receive operation returns nothing. This applies to
theread or receive operation after a response starts to arrive. Empty Read means
thata timeout occurs on the read/receive operation, which uses the SoTimeout
parameterin the TCPIP Server Base Settings section as the timeout setting (see
TCPIPInbound Settings). The corresponding recourse action is specied by the
Actionon Max Failed Read Retry (seeHL7 Recourse Action).
MaxNo Response Themaximum number of response timeouts the adapter allows while waiting for
datafrom the external system before taking recourse action (see ActiononMax
NoResponse in HL7 Recourse Action).
Thisproperty is used in the inbound Collaboration code. It is only used by
outboundadapters and works in conjunction with the Resend option of the
Actionon No Response property. It congures the adapter to resend the last
messagefor the specied maximum number of times before the subsequent
recourseaction is taken.
MaxNAKReceive Retry Themaximumnumber of negative acknowledgments (NAKs)the adapter
receivesbefore taking recourse action (see Action on Max Nak Received in HL7
Thisproperty is used for the inbound Collaboration code.
MaxNAKSend Retry Themaximum number of negative acknowledgments (NAKs) the adapter sends
beforetaking recourse action (see Action on Max Nak Sent in HL7 Recourse
Thisproperty is used in the inbound Collaboration code.
MaxCanned NAK Send
Themaximum number of canned negative acknowledgments that the adapter
sendsbefore taking recourse action (see Action on Max Nak Sent in HL7
RecourseAction). A value of 0(zero) indicates that the adapter will not attempt to
createor send a canned NAK.
EnableJournaling Anindicatorof whether message journaling is enabled. To enable message
journaling,select true; otherwise select false.
Thisproperty is used for inbound Collaboration code.
TCP/IPHL7V2 Adapter Inbound Connectivity Map Properties
SunAdapterfor TCP/IP HL7 User's Guide • October200946