TABLE17 ConnectivityMap - TCPIP Outbound Settings (Continued)
Name Description
SoLinger Anindicator of whether the adapter performs a “linger-on-close” timeout. This
optiondisables or enables an immediate return from a call to the close() method
fora TCP Socket. To enable the linger-on-close timeout, select true; otherwise,
Ifyou enable this property, specify the maximum length of the timeout in the
SoLingerTimeout property.
SoLingerTimeout Theserver’s linger–on–close timeout in seconds. Use SoLinger Timeout when
SoLingeris set to true (see the description for SoLinger above). You can specify
aninteger between -1 and 65535. The default is -1 seconds, which indicates that
theSoLinger option is disabled.
WhenSoLinger is set to true, the SoLinger Timeout value indicates the
Anon-zero integer means that calling close() will block pending the
transmissionand acknowledgement of all data written to the peer. When all
datais written, the socket is closed gracefully. Upon reaching the linger
timeoutvalue specied here, the socket is closed forcefully with a TCP RST. If
thespecied timeout value exceeds 65,535 it will be reduced to 65,535.
Azero integer means that a forceful close is performed immediately.
SoTimeout Thevalue of the SoTimeout in milliseconds. You can enter a value greater than or
equalto zero (0). When set to zero (0), the timeout is innite.
Withthis option set to a non-zero value, calling the read() method on the input
streamassociated with this socket will block for only the congured length of
time.If the timeout expires, a or thrown, but the socket remains valid.
Enablethis option prior to entering the blocking operation.
TcpNoDelay Anindicator of whether data packets that are smaller than the maximum transfer
unit(MTU) size are sent out immediately over the network (this refers to Nagle’s
algorithm).Select one of the following options:
True– Indicates that the server allows data packets that are smaller than the
MTUsize to be sent out immediately over the network. This can improve
performancefor higher-speed networks.
False–Indicates that the server does not allow data packets that are less than
theMTU size be sent out immediately over the network.
Thisis used for the accepted client socket.
TCP/IPHL7V2 Adapter Outbound Connectivity Map Properties
SunAdapterfor TCP/IP HL7 User's Guide • Oc tober 200952