TABLE18 ConnectivityMap - TCPIP Outbound Settings - Client Connection Establishment
Name Description
AutoReconnect Upon
Anindicator or whether to attempt to reconnect automatically when the adapter
getsa matching connection from a container, even though this connection is not
valid;for example, the external side of the connection is closed or reset due to the
Selectone of the following options:
■true– The adapter discards the invalid matching connection and
automaticallyattempts to reconnect using a new connection.
■false– The adapter does not automatically attempt to reconnect using a new
connection.Instead, the adapter defers the reconnect control to the user
businessrules. It is up to the business rules to detect this type of failure and act
MaxConnection Retry Themaximum number of times the adapter attempts to connect to a specic
externalTCP/IP destination (host/port) before giving up.
Thelength of time (in milliseconds) the adapter waits between attempts to
connectto a specic external TCP/IP destination (host or port).
TCPIPOutbound Settings - S erver Port Binding —TCP/IPHL7 V2 Outbound AdapterThefollowing table lists and describes the properties that appear on the Server Port Binding
pageof the Properties Editor accessed from the Connectivity Map. The properties dene the
serverport binding retry options. This section is only used when the Connection Type under
TCPIPOutbound Settings is set to Server.
TABLE19 ConnectivityMap - TCPIP Outbound Settings - Server Port Binding
Name Description
MaxBinding Retry Themaximum number of times the adapter will attempt to bind to the specied
TCP/IPport on the localhost before giving up.
RetryBinding Interval Theamount of time (in milliseconds) that the adapter waits between attempts to
bindto the specied TCP/IP port on the localhost.
TCP/IPHL7V2 Adapter Outbound Connectivity Map Properties
SunAdapterfor TCP/IP HL7 User's Guide • Oc tober 200954