HL7Adapter Sender Role
Theoutbound Collaboration is the implementation of the Sender and the RA is congured for
anoutbound data ow. A Java CAPS Service forwards the data to the Adapter, which in turn
forwardsthe data to the accepting HL7 external system. The External System responds with an
ACKor NAK response.
HL7Adapter Receiver Role
Theinbound Collaboration is the implementation of the Receiver role in conjunction with the
RAbeing congured for inbound direction. The Adapter accepts a message from the sending
HL7external system, forwards the data to a Java CAPS Service, and responds to the sending
systemwith an ACK or a NAK response.
DelayedACK Mode
DelayedACK mode is an extension to the basic HL7 message exchange mode, where there is
somemiddleware component between the Sender and the Receiver. The sending system
expectsto receive the ACK from the receiving system in addition to the middleware
component.In this mode, the ESB can assume two roles in the protocol: as the Sender and as the
ESBSender Role
Inthis role, the ESB acts as the Sender in the exchange. The HL7 RA is congured for the
outbounddirection, and the HL7 outbound Collaboration is congured so the Sends App Ack
propertyis set to True. This parameter is used even though the ESB technically does not send an
applicationACK. Rather, it receives the application ACK and provides the compliment
behaviorto the ACK sent by the inbound congured Adapter. The two are related in the
Thepurpose of this role is for the ESB to act as if it is a system that requires the Delayed ACKs so
thatit can communicate with a system that operates in the Delayed ACK Receiver role. An
exampleimplementation of this role is available in the HL7Outbound sample Project.
ESBReceiver and Forwarder Role
Toperform this role, the ESB is congured with two instances of the HL7 Adapter , each
performingits own role as Receiver or Forwarder.
Note– For Delayed ACK, the Receiver and Forwarder must be on the same integration server.
Thefollowing steps convey the steps taken in this scenario.
1. TheReceiver accepts the HL7 message. It then returns the rst ACK, with an MSH - 5, value
“D”(for the Delayed ACK), to the Sender.
SunAdapterfor TCP/IP HL7 Overview
SunAdapterfor TCP/IP HL7 User's Guide 13