needsto package and route the message to the specied receiving applications or message
handlingservices. The transmission wrapper is a cluster of classes and identies the sender and
receiverof the message and the particular kind of message being communicated.
TABLE37 ConnectivityMap - HL7v3 Transmission Wrapper
Name Description
InteractionID Theidentication of the unique information interchange. The attribute values are
derivedfrom the HL7 MDF interaction names; for example, POLB_INI00100 and
ProcessingCode Anindicator of the type of system the message is part of. Specify one of the
■D-The message is part of a debugging system.
■P-The message is part of a production system.
■T-The message is part of a training system.
ProcessingMode Code Anindicator of the mode in which the message is processed. Specify one of the
■T–Current processing (online mode)
■A–Archive mode
■I–Initial mode
■R–Restore from archive mode
VersionCode TheHL7 version. This value is matched by the receiving system to its own version
toensure that messages are interpreted correctly. The default value is v3.0.
Anindicator of whether to validate the transmission wrapper of the data message
(forinbound case) and transmission wrapper of the ACK response (for outbound
case).Select true to validate messages; otherwise select false.
Thisproperty is used in the Collaboration code.
CommunicationControl — TCP/IP HL7 V3 InboundAdapter
Thefollowing table lists and describes the properties that appears on the Communication
Controlpage of the Properties Editor accessed from the Connectivity Map. These properties
denehow data is transferred (that is, sent and received) over the TCP/IP connection.
TCP/IPHL7V3 Adapter Inbound Connectivity Map Properties
SunAdapterfor TCP/IP HL7 User's Guide 75