SchematronValidation — TCP/IP HL7V3 Inbound

Thefollowing table lists and describes the properties that appears on the Schematron
Validationpage of the Properties Editor accessed from the Connectivity Map. The schematron
usesthe concept of nding tree patterns in a parsed document rather than grammar patterns.
TABLE40 ConnectivityMap - Communication Control (V3)
Name Description
Anindicator of whether schematron validation is enabled. Select true to validate
adocument's tree patterns; otherwise select false.
Clickthe ellipsis button next to this property to display a dialog box that allows
youto enter an LDAP reference. Prex the LDAPreference with ldap:// or
SchematronFiles Oneor more les containing a predened schema to validate an HL7 V3
documentagainst. These les must have an .xml extension. Separate le names by
commas.You can create these les or obtain les from organizations such as
TCP/IPHL7 V3 Adapter Outbound Connectivity Map
TheTCP/IP HL7 V3 server outbound adapter conguration properties are organized into the
followingsections on the Properties Editor accessed from the Connectivity Map:
“GeneralOutbound Settings — TCP/IP HL7 V3 Outbound Adapter” on page 80
“TCPIPOutbound Settings — TCP/IP HL7 V3 Outbound Adapter” on page 80
“TCPIPOutbound Settings - Client Connection Establishment — TCP/IP HL7 V3
OutboundAdapter” on page 83
“TCPIPOutbound Settings - Server Port Binding — TCP/IP HL7 V3 Outbound Adapter” on
“HL7Acknowledgment — TCP/IP HL7 V3 Outbound Adapter” on page 85
“LowerLayer Protocol — TCP/IP HL7 V3 Outbound Adapter” on page 85
“SequenceNumber Protocol — TCP/IP HL7 V3 Outbound Adapter” on page 86
“HL7v3Transmission Wrapper — TCP/IP HL7 V3 Outbound Adapter” on page 86
“CommunicationControl — TCP/IP HL7 V3 Outbound Adapter” on page 87
“HL7Recourse Action — TCP/IP HL7 V3 Outbound Adapter” on page 89
TCP/IPHL7V3 Adapter Outbound Connectivity Map Properties
SunAdapterfor TCP/IP HL7 User's Guide 79