TABLE23 ConnectivityMap - HL7 MSH Segment (Continued)
Name Description
Aunique identier that applies to a query’sconformance statement. It can also be
usedas a Message Prole Identier to assert constancy with a message prole
(grammar,syntax, usage, and so on).
Thisis the 21st eld in the HL7 MSH segment (MSH-21).
ValidateMSH Anindicator of whether to validate the MSH segment of the data message (for
inbound)and the MSH segment of the ACK (for outbound). Select true if you
wantthe Collaboration to validate the MSH segment; otherwise select false.
Thisparameter is used in Collaboration code.
Note– This property does not aect structural validation of the entire HL7
messageitself. Structural validation is always performed.
HL7 SFT Segment —TCP/IP HL7 V2 Outbound Adapter

Thefollowing table lists and describes the properties that appear on the HL7 SFT Segment page

ofthe Properties Editor accessed from the Connectivity Map. These properties dene the

congurationof the SFT segment of the HL7 message, which provides additional information

aboutone or more software products used as sending applications. The primary purpose of this

segmentis for diagnostic use. There may be additional uses per site-specic agreements. For

moreinformation about this segment, refer to the HL7 specication (

Note– The SFT segment is available starting with HL7 version 2.5.

TABLE24 ConnectivityMap - HL7 SFT Segment
Name Description
Enable Anindicator of whether the SFT optional segment is enabled in the ACK. Select
trueto enable the segment; otherwise select false.
Note– If Enable is set to true, and the HL7 version is not congured as 2.5, the
adapterwill error upon startup.
Thename of the company that publishes or distributes the sending software that
createdthe transaction. This eld identies the vendor responsible for
maintainingthe application. The purpose of this eld, along with the remaining
eldsin this segment, is to provide a more complete prole of the sending
Thisis the rst eld in the HL7 SFT segment (SFT-01).
TCP/IPHL7V2 Adapter Outbound Connectivity Map Properties
SunAdapterfor TCP/IP HL7 User's Guide 59