5. TheCollaboration receives and validates the ACK, and then journals the ACK and the HL7
message(if journaling is enabled). If the Collaboration receives a NAK, the NAK and the
HL7message are sent to the error queue.
6. Finally,the Collaboration commits the JMS receive.
OutboundAdapter Roles for Delayed ACK ScenariosTheoutbound Adapter can fulll two roles in a delayed ACK scenario. The outbound delayed
acknowledgementmode is used to communicate with an external system that is congured to
receivemessages in a delayed ACK way; that is, it receives two ACKs. One conrms the message
wasreceived, and the other is from the application that accepts the message. For delayed ACK
mode,the process is similar to that of the standard outbound mode, except that it receives two
ACKs.The initial ACK comes from the receiving system.
OutboundDelayed ACK Role
Thefollowing steps describe the outbound delayed acknowledgement role process displayed:
1. Theoutbound Adapter, which is congured as Delayed Acknowledgement role, receives a
messagefrom JMS, and sends the message to the External System.
2. TheExternal System receives the message and returns the rst Acknowledgement to the
outboundAdapter with an MSA - 5, value “D” for Delayed Acknowledgement. The
outboundAdapter receives the ACK, validates the ACK (verifying that it is a Delayed ACK),
andwaits for another ACK.
3. Theoutbound Adapter receives another HL7 ACK message (the second) and validates that
thesecond HL7 ACK message is an MSA - 5, with a value of “F.”If the second ACKis valid,
theAdapter commits the message, otherwise it resends the message.
OutboundForwarder Role
TheOutbound Forward Message role is used in conjunction with the with the inbound
Adapter,which is also congured to handle delayed ACKs. No validation is preformed: the
Adapteracts as a “pass-through.”
Thefollowing steps describe the Outbound Forwarder Role processing:
1. Datais received by the Collaboration, from the JMS queue.
2. TheCollaboration extracts the JMS property “reply to” destination from the message, but
doesno validation, and sends the message to the External System.
3. TheAdapter receives the ACK from the External System.
4. TheCollaboration sends the ACK to the temporary topic that was contained in the “reply
SunAdapterfor TCP/IP HL7 Overview
SunAdapterfor TCP/IP HL7 User's Guide •October 200918