Sun Adapter forTCP/IP HL7 User's Guide
Thisdocument provides information and instructions for working with the Sun Adapter for
TCP/IPHL7. It is divided into the topics listed below.
WhatYou Need to Know
Thesetopics provide information that is useful to know before you start working with the
TCP/IPHL7 Adapter:
“SunAdapter for TCP/IP HL7 Overview” on page 8
“AboutTCP/IP HL7 V2 Collaborations” on page 107
“AboutTCP/IP HL7 V3 Collaborations” on page 120
“MLLPV2 Content Exchange Model” on page 144
“StandardInbound HL7 V2 Collaboration Overview over MLLPV2” on page 146
WhatYou Need to Do
Theselinks provide information and instructions for working with the TCP/IP HL7 Adapter in
JavaCAPS projects:
“Addinga TCP/IP HL7 External Application to a Connectivity Map” on page 28
“Modifyingthe TCP/IP HL7 Adapter Properties in the Connectivity Map” on page 29
“ConguringTCP/IP HL7 Adapter Environment Properties” on page 91
“Creatinga Copy of an HL7 Sample Project” on page 98
“CustomizingPredened Collaborations for HL7” on page 102
“CreatingCopies of HL7 Collaborations” on page 102
“Addingan HL7 Message Library to an Existing Collaboration” on page 104
“Creatingand Conguring the MLLP V2.0 Database” on page 140