TABLE28 ConnectivityMap - TCPIP Inbound Settings (V3) (Continued)
Name Description
ServerSOTimeout Thevalue (in milliseconds) of the SO_TIMEOUT parameter for ServerSocket. The
timeoutmust be greater than zero (0). A timeout of zero is interpreted as an
Thisvalue is used for the ServerSocket.accept() method. When this option is
setto a non-zero timeout, calling accept() for this ServerSocket will block for
thecongured length of time. If the timeout expires, a
isthrown, but the ServerSocket remains valid.
Enablethis option prior to entering the blocking operation. This property is only
usedwhen the Connection Type property is set to Server.
ServerSocket Factory
Thename of the Java class that implements the server socket factory. This class is
usedto create the server socket. If you have provided your own server socket
implementation,enter the name of the Java class that contains this
implementationhere. The factory implementation class must implement the A
KeepAlive Anindicator of whether the client’sSO_KEEPALIVE option is enabled or
disabled.Select true to enable SO_KEEPALIVE;otherwise, select false.
Whenthe option is enabled for a TCP socket and no data has been exchanged
acrossthe socket in either direction for two hours, TCP automatically sends a
KEEPALIVEprobeto the peer (the actual value is implementation dependent).
Thisprobe is a TCP segment to which the peer must respond. One of three
responsesis expected:
1. Thepeerresponds with the expected ACK. The application is not notied
(sinceeverything is OK). TCP will send another probe following another two
hoursof inactivity.
2. Thepeerresponds with an RST, which tells the local TCP that the peer host
hasgone down and rebooted. The socket is closed.
3. Thereisno response from the peer. The socket is closed. The purpose of this
optionis to detect if the peer host has crashed. This is used for the accepted
Note– For some properties, the server socket itself does not have direct property
settingsassociated with it. Instead, the properties map to the accepted client
TCP/IPHL7V3 Adapter Inbound Connectivity Map Properties
SunAdapterfor TCP/IP HL7 User's Guide • Oc tober 200966