TABLE17 ConnectivityMap - TCPIP Outbound Settings (Continued)
Name Description
Thename of the Java class that implements the socket factory. This class is used to
createthe socket. If you have provided your own socket implementation, enter
thename of the Java class that contains this implementation here. The factory
implementationclass must implement the
Thedefault value is
TCPIPOutbound Settings - Client ConnectionEstablishment —TCP/IP HL7 V2 Outbound AdapterThefollowing table lists and describes the properties that appear on the Client Connection
Establishmentpage of the Properties Editor accessed from the Connectivity Map. These
propertiescongure how connections are established. This section is only used when the
ConnectionType under TCPIP Outbound Settings is set to Client.
TABLE18 ConnectivityMap - TCPIP Outbound Settings - Client Connection Establishment
Name Description
TimeTo Wait Before
Thelength of time (in milliseconds) the adapter waits before attempting to
connectto the external system.
AlwaysCreate New
Anindicator of whether the adapter always attempts to create a new connection
whena connection establishment request is received. Select on of the following
■true– The adapter always attempts to create a new connection without
attemptingto match an existing connection.
■false– The adapter attempts to match an existing connection (managed by
TCP/IPHL7V2 Adapter Outbound Connectivity Map Properties
SunAdapterfor TCP/IP HL7 User's Guide 53