IDE controller failure, 107 input voltage range, 117 in-rush current, 117 installation

quickstart, 5 rack mounting, 7

internal circuit breakers, 67


back panel, 83

Ethernet port indicators, 83 fault indicator, 82

front panel, 82 power indicator, 82

Lights Out Management (LOM) commands, 62 displaying the host name, 63

displaying the version number of the LOM device, 63

monitoring the system, 66 to 72 online documentation, 66 parameters, 121

power supply unit, 66 powering up the system, 63 returning control of serial connection to

console, 63 sample Event Log, 73 setting the alarms, 62, 76

setting up named users, 54 to 58 stopping event reporting, 121 turning the fault LED on, 63 updating component status, 62 viewing the LOM’s Event Log, 51

locating system components, 85 log, viewing, 51

LOMlite2 device

separating from the console on Serial A, 60 sharing Serial A between the console and the

LOMlite2 device, 61 upgrading firmware, 78 version number, 63

LOMlite2 interface backwards compatibility, 78 escape sequence, 77

M memory

installing and removing, 91 part number, 4

monitoring the system, See Lights-Out Management (LOM)


Name Server, 36 network install server

creating, 98

null modem cable, 22, 23


On/Standby switch, 39 OpenBoot diagnostics, 101 operating current, 117 optional components, 4 overview, 2


physical specifications, 116 pinout

serial port, 21, 25 POST diagnostics, 100 power

consumption, 118 factor, 117 requirements, 117, 118 switch, 39, 45 warnings, 18

power LED, 82 power supply

monitoring PSU and fans, 50 power supply unit, 66 powering on, 39


booting (OBP initialization aborts), 106 displaying the lom> prompt or the Solaris

prompt, 106

getting to the LOM prompt, 106

turning serial event reporting on and off, 106

Index-126Sun Fire V100 Server User’s Guide • December 2001

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Sun Microsystems manual Index-126Sun Fire V100 Server User’s Guide December