■Sun ONE Identity Server provides access management and digital identity administration services. Access management services include authentication (including single
■Sun ONE Instant Messaging provides secure,
■Sun ONE Message Queue provides reliable, asynchronous messaging between loosely coupled distributed components and applications. Message Queue implements the Java Message Service (JMS) API specification and adds enterprise features such as security, scalability, and remote administration.
■Sun ONE Messaging Server provides secure, reliable,
■Sun ONE Portal Server provides key portal services, such as content aggregation and personalization, to
■Sun ONE Portal Server, Secure Remote Access provides secure Internet access from outside a corporate firewall to Portal Server content and services, including internal portals and Internet applications.
■Sun ONE Web Server provides Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE™ platform) web container services for Java web components, such as Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages™ (JSP™) components. The Web Server also supports other web application technologies for delivering static and dynamic web content, such as CGI scripts and Active Server Pages.
For further information on the Java Enterprise System, see the Java ES documentation at: