


Field description



Usage tips



















Broadcast point.












Broadcast point



The Broadcast point for the



If you have not manually changed it on your






streaming server. This is used



external server, the broadcast mount point






in the default live URL.



for Server G2 is "encoder", and for Server









90 is "broadcast".












Use alternate live



Select to supply your own URLs










for live streaming. Enter the











URLs for Main and Dual video











streams and choose whether











you wish the filename to be











appended to the alternate URL.


















On demand settings





















Write movies to the



Select this to write media to the



Do not choose this option if you are


default media



Content Server‘s default media



streaming from an external streaming





location: this will either be the E









drive of the Content Server or



You can check the default media storage






an alternate storage location if



location in the Server overview. The default






you have a NAS configured.



media location for Real Media files is (media




















Write movies to an



Select to write media to an



Choose this option if the streaming server is


alternate location



external streaming server using



on an external server which has a shared






a shared drive or UNC path.



drive accessible to the Content Server.









Enter the shared drive or UNC path, e.g.









\\servername\share in the Alternate path




















FTP movies to



Choose to use FTP to transfer



Choose this option if the streaming server is





media files to the external



on, or can access a shared drive on, an






streaming server after the call



external server that is running an FTP






has ended.












If you select this option, complete the other









fields in this section. Then check the FTP









upload functionality by clicking Test FTP.









FTP upload is also tested every time the









Media server configuration is saved.












Server address



The IP address or DNS name of











the FTP server.




















The port number of the FTP











service. Most FTP servers will











use port 21.



















The directory relative to the root



If left blank, files will be uploaded to the root






FTP directory on the FTP



FTP directory.






server. The directory should be











specified using forward slashes











as in a URL, e.g. /movies/.

















User name



The username to authenticate











to the FTP server.




















The password to authenticate to










the FTP server.




























TANDBERG Content Server printable online help


Page 73
Image 73
TANDBERG D1459501 manual Broadcast point