| Field |
| Field description |
| Usage tips |
| |||
| full LDAP name (for example, |
| ―CN=group.name, OU=staff, |
| DC=company, DC=com‖). |
| Note: Only enter groups and users that |
| have been added to the Groups and users |
| list on the Content Server (see Adding and |
| updating groups & users) in this field; |
| otherwise, the entry will be removed when |
| you click Check access list or Place call. |
| |
Password |
| If required, enter a password to |
| If no password is entered, then users who can |
| |
| restrict streaming access to this |
| view the conference in the Conference list will |
| conference and the ability to |
| be able to play the conference and download |
| download content. The password |
| any available content. If a password is entered, |
| will be visible in clear text to editors |
| users will need to know the password to stream |
| of this conference and to site |
| or download the conference. |
| managers. |
| |
Automatically |
| Select to make the conference |
| When not selected, the groups and users |
| |
make |
| automatically available to the users |
| specified in Who can view this conference |
| |
recorded |
| specified in Who can view this |
| above cannot see the conference in the |
| |
conference |
| conference above after recording |
| Conference list until the conference is made |
| |
available |
| has finished. |
| available by an editor (see Who can edit this |
| |
| conference below). This may be useful if |
| editors want to make changes to the conference |
| before making it available to others. |
| |
Who can edit |
| Groups and users who will be able |
| Enter all or part of the name or display name of |
| |
this |
| to edit conference information and |
| the group or user - either one per line or |
| |
conference |
| permissions, use the Content Editor |
| separated by a semicolon. If only part of a |
| |
| to change the conference, add |
| group or user name has been entered, then |
| further outputs to a completed |
| clicking Check access list or Place call adds |
| conference using the Manage |
| all matching groups and users to the list. |
| Outputs page, and delete the |
| Note: After clicking Check access list or Place |
| conference. Use Check access |
| call, the users entered will have the following |
| list to validate your entries. They |
| formats: |
| are also checked when you click |
| Local authentication mode: |
| Place call. |
| |
| MACHINENAME\user.name |
| |
| |
| Domain authentication mode: |
| DOMAINNAME (optional)\user.name |
| LDAP authentication mode: user.name |
| All groups will be in the format group.name |
| where the group name is expanded to the full |
| LDAP name (for example, ―CN=group.name, |
| OU=staff, DC=company, DC=com‖). |
| Note: Only enter groups and users that have |
| been added to the Groups and users list on the |
| Content Server (see Adding and updating |
| groups & users) in this field; otherwise, the entry |
| will be removed when you click Check access |
| list or Place call. |
TANDBERG Content Server printable online help | 22 |