(RTSP) on-demand streaming of MPEG-4 for QuickTime. Only QuickTime and Darwin Streaming Servers are supported for streaming MPEG-4 for QuickTime content.

Saving the Media server configuration checks that the server is available at the specified server address and displays the server type, if the information is available. Unicast live streaming from QuickTime or Darwin servers (RTSP announce) is also tested when the Media server configuration is saved.

You can set up a Media server configuration for a QuickTime or Darwin Streaming Server to do live and/or on demand streaming. There are two options for configuring the Media server for live MPEG-4 for QuickTime streaming:

Live unicast streaming: This requires an external QuickTime or Darwin Streaming Server to relay streams to clients.

Live multicast streaming: This does not require an external QuickTime or Darwin Streaming Server to relay streams to clients - the multicast stream is sent directly from the Content Server.





Field description



Usage tips









Server settings




















A descriptive name for the



The server name is used in the Template






Media server configuration.



and Manage outputs pages when selecting









a Media server configuration. This is a









required field.










Support live unicast



Whether the server is to support



If selected, enter the Server address.





live unicast streaming and to



Unicast connections are one-to one






display the Live unicast



connections between each client and the






streaming settings section.



server: therefore, each unicast client that









connects to the server takes up additional



















Support live



Whether the server is to support



In multicast delivery, the server sends only


multicast streaming



live multicast streaming and to



one stream which reaches all player clients






display the Live multicast



simultaneously. There is no additional






streaming settings section.



overhead for the server regardless of









whether one or more clients are connected.









Multicast delivery is generally used for









broadcasting live streams on a corporate









network and only works if all routers on the









network are multicast enabled.










Support On Demand



Whether the server is to support



If selected, enter the Server address.






on demand streaming and to









display the Live on demand









settings section.













Server address



The IP address or DNS name of









the server.














Live unicast streaming settings

Streaming port range start

The port number for the start of the streaming port range, e.g. 30000. The start port must be an even number. The Content Server will use the streaming start port + 30 for streaming live calls; for example, a port range

The ports used by the Content Server are listed in Port Information.

TANDBERG Content Server printable online help


Page 66
Image 66
TANDBERG D1459501 manual Name, Streaming port range start