Remove and Replace
6-4 WFM90D and WFM91D Service Manual
ProceduresTable6--2 lists the removeand replace procedures in this section and their
starting page numbers.
Table6- 2: Remove and replace procedure list
Replaceable part Pagenum ber
Topcover 6--5
LCDdi splay lens 6--5
LCDDi splay Assembly B020100 and above 6--8
LCDDi splay Assembly below B020100 6--11
Backlight 6--14
Topboard 6--15
Keypad 6--16
Topboard shield 6--17
Bottom board 6--19
SDI Interface board 6--21
Backlight board 6--22
Input board assembly 6--24
Battery cover 6--25
Carrying strap 6--25
Turnlockstud and bushing 6--26
Battery cushion pad 6--28
Battery pack 6--28
Alkaline batteries 6--29
Bottom cover 6--31
Battery power connector 6--31
Battery contacts 6--32
Turnlockstud receptacle 6--34
Bottom cover electrical shield 6--34
Battery orientation marker and battery cushion pad 6--35
ACadapt er EMI suppressor 6--37