WFM90D and WFM91D ServiceManual 1-7Table1- 6: SynchronizationCategory Description
Input Requirements REQ: Internal Reference
Analog Input:
Composite video or black burst with sync amplitudes 40 IRE (300 mV PAL) 6 dB.
Digital Input:
270M bit (259M).
REQ: External Reference:
Syncam plitude between 143 mV and 4 V will synchronize sweeps.
External Reference Input REQ: DC Input Impedance (Unterminated):
REF: Return Loss (75Ω):
≥40dB f rom 50 kHz to 6 MHz. (With 75 Ωtermination on, instrument power on.)
REF: Absolute Maximum Input Voltage: 12 VDC plus peak AC.
Table1- 7: PowersourceCategory Description
Battery REF: 6C-cell batteries or Tektronix NiMH battery pack
(Tektronixpart number 146-0107-01).
Battery ChargeTime REF: Fast Charge: 550m A.
REF: Slow Charge: 150 mA.
PowerConsumpt ion REF: PictureMode: 7 Watts.
Waveform Mode 9 W.
VectorMode 9W.
External Power REQ: DC Sourceof 11 --18 V.