1-2 WFM90D and WFM91D Service Manual
CharacteristicsTablesThe tables use the following abbreviations:
Performance Requirement (Req). All performancerequirements in the specifica-
tion tables areidentified with Req, and can be assured by completing the
Performance Check Procedure located in th e service manual. Allow a warm-up
time of 20 minutes.
Performance requirements in the electrical specificationsare valid over an
ambient temperaturerange of +20°Cto+30°C.The Performance Requirement
toleranceslisted in the Electrical Specification are doubled over the temperature
range of 0°Cto+40°C, unless otherwise specified. Testequipment used to
verify PerformanceRequirements must be calibrated and working within the
limits specifiedin the service manual Equipment Required List.
Reference Information.Information that amplifies a performance requirement or
is of special importanceis indicated by REF. There is no need to check these
items to a specific tolerance.
ElectricalSpecificationsTable1- 1: Verticaldeflectionsystem
Category Description
Analog Input REF: Specifications apply for full screen height video input signal, with VARIABLE GAIN off.
REQ: Flat Filter 1 V Full Scale:
50kHz t o 6 MHz within 2% of response at 50 kHz.
REQ: Flat Filter X5 Gain:
50kHz t o 6 MHz within 5% of response at 50 kHz.
REF: Low Pass Filter:
≥40dB at tenuation at 3.58 MHz NTSC, 4.43 MHz PAL.
REF: Response at 15 kHz does not vary between FLATand LUM (low pass) filt ersby m oret han 1%.
Digital Input REF: Specifications apply for full screen height video input signal, with VARIABLE GAIN off.
REQ: Flat Filter 1 V Full Scale:
50kHz t o 4.5 MHz ±4%.
REQ: Flat Filter X5 Gain:
50kHz t o 4.5 MHz ±5%.
REF: Low Pass Filter:
≥40dB at tenuation at 3.58 MHz NTSC, 4.43 MHz PAL.
REF: Response at 15 kHz does not vary between FLATand LUM (low pass) filt ersby m oret han 1%.