WFM90D and WFM91D ServiceManual 4-5
Performance Verification: Analog SectionPerform the following steps beforebeginning the verification procedures:
1. Plug the AC power adapter into the instrument and then plug the adapter into
the AC power source.
2. Connect the multiburst signalfrom the analog television signal generator
through a 75 Ωin-line terminationand dual-input coupler to the VIDEO IN
and REF IN connectors on the WFM90D or WFM91D monitor.
3. Set the input terminationswitches to the HIZ position.
4. Turnon the WFM90D or WFM91D monitor.
5. Enter the Configure menu. SelectPRE SETS and then select DEFAULT.
NOTE. Be sureyou have warmed up the instrument for at least 20 minutes before
you perform any of theverification procedures.
Sync Separation
This procedureverifies the following requirement:
Signal synchronization will occurwith input signals of composite video or black
burst, with sync amplitudes of40 IRE (300 mV PAL) 6 dB for internal
reference,and sync amplitudes of between 143 mV and 4 V for external
1. Enter the Configurationmenu and select the INPUT category.
2. Check for a stable display while switching betweenINT and EXT REF.
3. Remove the termination fromthe dual-input coupler.
4. Check for a stable display while switching betweenINT and EXT REF.
5. Add three 75 Ωterminations to the dual-input coupler.
6. Check for a stable display while switching betweenINT and EXT REF.
7. Select INT REF from the Configuration menu INPUT category.
8. Remove the dual-input couplerfrom the instrument.