WFM90D and WFM91D ServiceManual 6-1
MaintenanceThe maintenanceor service of this instrument must be performed only by
qualified servicepersonnel who have read the Service Safety Summary and the
Operating Information sectionsof this manual.
CAUTION. If theinstrument does not function properly, perform troubleshooting
and take correctiveaction immediately to prevent additional problems.
Cleaning This sectionprovides information about how to clean the instrument and how to
perform preventive maintenance.
Protect the instrument fromadverse weather conditions. The instrument is not
CAUTION. Toavoid damage to the instrument, do not expose it to sprays, liquids,
or solvents.
Do not use chemical cleaning agents; theymay damage the instrument. Avoid
chemicals thatcontain benzene, toluene, xylene, acetone, or similar solvents.
Clean the exterior surfaces of the instrument with a dry, lint-free cloth or a
soft-bristlebrush. If dirt remains, use a cloth or swab dampenedwith a 75%
isopropyl alcohol solution. A swab is usefulfor cleaning in narrow spaces
around the controlsand connectors. Do not use abrasive compounds on any part
of the instrument.
The monitor does not normally requireinterior cleaning.
After cleaning,carefully check the instrument for defective connections,
damaged parts,and improperly seated transistors or integrated circuits. The
remedy formost visible defectsis obvious; however,if heat-damaged parts are
discovered, determinethe cause of overheating before replacing the damaged