Using the Menus
WFM90D and WFM91D ServiceManual 2-17
Operating MenusThe following pagesdescribe the operating menus, shown in Figure 2--9and
Figure 2--10.
Each operatingmode has an associated menu. In addition, the Waveform, Vector,
Picture, and WIP operatingmodes have an associated digital menu.
Operating menuselections affect only the display mode in whichthey appear
(unless otherwisenoted). If you switch to adifferent operating mode, the menu
for the new mode will display.
Toenter an operating menu, select the desired operating mode (such as Wave-
form or Audio), and then press the MENU button.
Toexit, press the MENU button again.
Toenter a digital operating menu, first ensure that the input control is configured
for AUTO or DIGITAL (see Configuration Menu on page 2--21).Then select the
desired operatingmode (Waveform, Vector,Picture, or WIP) and hold the
MENU button for 2 seconds.
Toexit, press the MENU button again.
Press the bezel button that corresponds to the desired selectionon the display.
When you make a selection, changesare displayed immediately.
Toadjust values, press the two right bezel buttons while displaying a menu
selection suchas BTRACE ADJUS T Y.
Press the WFM button and theMENU button to open the Waveform operating
menu. Hold the MENU button in for two secondsto open the digital menu. For
more details on menu access, see page 2 --17.
Waveformmenu choices are shown in Table 2--2.The Waveform menu treeis
shown in Figure 2--9.