Performance Verification
4-2 WFM90D and WFM91D Service Manual
The tests in this sectioncomprise a valid confirmation of instrument performance
when the following requirementsare met:
HTestequipment used to verify performance requirements must be calibrated
and working within the limits specifiedin Table 4--2on page 4--3.
HThe WFM90D orWFM91D Handheld Waveform, Vector,Picture, and
Audio Monitor must have lastbeen adjusted at an ambient temperature range
of +20°Cto+30°C, and must have beenoperating for a warm-up period of
at least 20 minutes.
Summary VerificationThe summary verificationis listed in Table 4--1and is intended for those who are
familiarwith the complete performanceverification procedures. Procedure titles
and page numbers providea cross-reference to the performance verification
procedureson the following pages.
Table4- 1: Summary verification procedure
Procedure Procedurerequirement Page#
Preliminarysetup Initial equipment connections and control settings. 4--5
Syncseparati on Signal synchronization will occur with input signals of composite video or
black burst, with sync amplitudes of 40 IRE (300 mV PAL) 6dBfor
internal reference, and sync amplitudes of between 143 mV and 4 V for
external reference.
Sweeptiming and integral linearity Sweep TimingAccuracy: 5 s/Div. (1 Line), 10 s/Div.(2 Line), and
1.0 s/Div.(2 Line + MAG), 2%. 0.2s/Div. (1 Line + MAG) 3%.
Integral Linearity: 1%.
Verticalgain and vertical magnifierregist ration 1Volt Full Scal e: 1 V input displayed within 1% of 140 IRE (1.00 V PAL).
X5Gai n: Gain accuracy within 5% with 1 V input signal. X5 Gain
Registration: ≤1 major division of vertical shift from baseline between
unmagnified and magnified signal.
Variablegain range and vertical position range Variable Gain Range: Input signals between 0.8 V and 2 V can be
adjusted to 140 IRE (1.0 V) display.160 m V and 400 mV for X5 Gain.
VerticalPositi on Range: 1 V signal can be positioned so that peak white
andsync t ip can be placed at blanking level, with the DC Restorer Clamp
on, regardlessof gain sett ing.
Overscan ≤2%variat ion in baseline of 100 IRE (700 mV PAL)12. 5T (20TPAL)
modulated pulse as it is positioned over the middle 80% of the screen.
Input and DC restorer frequency response X1Gai n Response (Flat filter selected): 50 kHz to 6 MHz within 2% of
responseat 50 kHz. X5Gain Response (Flat fi lter selected): 50 kHz to
6M Hz within 5% of response at 50 kHz. Attenuation of 60 Hz (50 Hz PAL)
onI nput Signal: SLOW mode: ≤20%. FASTm ode: ≥90%.