1-10 WFM90D and WFM91D Service ManualTable1- 10: Certifications and Compliances (Cont.)Category Standardsor description
Pollution Degree Pollution Degree 2 (as defined in IEC 61010-1). Note: Rated for indoor use only.
Pollution Degree Descriptions Am easureof the contaminates that could occur in the environment around and within a
product. Typicallyt he internal environment inside a product is considered to be the same as the
external. Products should be used only in the environment for which they are rated.
PollutionDegree 1 Nopollution or only dry, nonconductive pollutionoccurs. Products in this
categoryare generally encapsulated, hermetically sealed, or located in
PollutionDegree 2 Normallyonly dry, nonconductive pollutionoccurs. Occasionally a
temporaryconductivity that is caused by condensation must be expected.
Thislocation is a typical office/home environment. Temporarycondensation
occursonly when the product is out of service.
PollutionDegree 3 Conductivepollution, or dry, nonconductive pollutionthat becomes
conductivedue to condensation. These are sheltered locations where
neithertemperature nor humidity is controlled. The area is protected from
directsunshine, rain, or direct wind.
PollutionDegree 4 Pollutionthat generates persistent conductivity through conductivedust,
rain,or snow. Typical outdoor locations.
1Compliance demonstrated using high quality,shiel ded interfacecables.
2Minimum immunity test requirement, except where noted.
3PerformanceCriterion: Product continues to operate properly and display remains readable.
4ControlledEM environmentrequirement (1V/M ).