Adjustment Procedures:Digital Section
WFM90D and WFM91D ServiceManual 5-13
Cable MarginPerform the following steps to adjust the cablemargin indicator (you are
adjusting the valueat which the cable flag comes on to 200 meters):
1. Connect the output fromthe digital signal generator to the WFM90D or
WFM91D through the cable clone. Set the cable cloneto simulate 200 me-
ters of Belden8281 cable.
2. Select CABLE LEN from the Calibration menu, andthen select CAL.
Twovalues are displayed in the upper right corner of the screen: cable length
calibration(CAB LE LEN CAL) and cable reading.
NOTE. These displayed values arerepresentative of cable length, but do not
equate directlyto meters. A higher reading indicates a shorter cable.
3. Adjust the arrow buttons until the CABLE LEN CAL value matches the
CABLE READING value. The up and down arrowbuttons adjust the value
by +1 and --1;the left and right arrow buttons adjust the valueby +5 and --5.
4. Select DG CAL MENU, and then select SAVE.